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[C++] Chapter 11. Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management Pointer Array & Pointer Dynamic Memory Allocation Pointer Are designed to hold memory addresses as their vlaues a pointer contains the memory address Stack Memory vs Heap Memory Stack memory Compile time Assignment by Computer Heap Memory Runtime Assignment by Programmer Memory draw #include using namespace std; int main() { //Draw Memory contents //on the left hand side : address , in the middl..
[C++] Swap Function #include using namespace std; void swap_passByVal(int n1, int n2); void swap_passByRef(int& n1, int& n2); void swap_passByPtr(int* p1, int* p2); int main() { int num1 = 50, num2 = -60; cout
[C++] Chapater 7. Single-Dimensional Arrays and C-Strings Introducing Arrays a collection fo the same types of data int size = 4; double myList[size]; //Wrong const int size =4; double myList[size]; //Correct No Bound Checking C++ does not check array's boundary e.g., myList[-1] and myList[11] does not cause syntax errors dataType arrayName[arraySize]= {value0, value1, .... , valuek}; Wrong double myList[4]; myList={1.9, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5}; Implicit Size d..
[C++] Chapter 6. Functions funciton signature function overloading pass by value pass by reference pass by pointer function signature funciton name number of parameters type of parameters function overloading same name but not same number of parameters or type of parameters return type and pas-by-ref are not part of Function signature function Define a function function name number of parameters type of parameters Invoke ..
[C++] Chapter 2. Elementary Programming Reading Input from the keyboard use cin #include using namespace std; int main() { cout > Width; cout > Height; int area = Width * Height; cout
[C++] Chapter1. Introduction to Computers, Programs, and C++ Simple comsole output #include using namespace std; int main() { cout iostream : standard input output header file -> cout : is same printf of C cout and
[JSP] 액션 태그 액션 태그 스크립트릿, 주석, 디렉티브와 함께 JSP 페이지 구성요소 JSP 내장 객체를 통해서 태그로 표현 태그로 기술하는게 가독성이 높다 XML 문법 시작태그와 함께 종료태그 포함 내용 포워드 방식으로 페이지 이동 RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("url"); dispatcher.forward(request, response); 동일한 기능을 수행한다.
[JSP] 3-1. 텍스트 박스에 입력된 값 얻어오기 아이디 : 나 이 : protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType(getServletInfo());// TODO Auto-generated method stub String id=request.getParameter("id"); int age=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("age")); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); out.print(""); out.print("당신이 입력한 정보입니다. "); out.print("아 이 ..
