- Pointer
- Array & Pointer
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Pointer
- Are designed to hold memory addresses as their vlaues
- a pointer contains the memory address
- Stack Memory vs Heap Memory
- Stack memory
- Compile time
- Assignment by Computer
- Heap Memory
- Runtime
- Assignment by Programmer
- Stack memory
Memory draw
using namespace std;
int main()
//Draw Memory contents
//on the left hand side : address , in the middle : variable name,
//on the right hand side : memory contents
//address of data[0] is 001FEE0
int data[5] = { 11,12,13,14,15 };
int a = -200;
int& ref = a;
char str[18] = "Dallas";
short s = 5;
double d = 78.32;
return 0;
Declare a Pointer
char c='C';
char* pc=&c;
float f=700.5f;
float* pf=&f;
bool b=true;
bool* pb=&b;
short int s=456;
short int* ps=&s;
-> type info is not stored in memory
-> type info is in the pointer var itself
-> have to assign the address of the variable of the same type
Dereferencing [역참조]
//p points to a
int a=123;
int* p=&a;
cout<<"*p= "<<*p<<"\n";
cout<<"a= " <<a<<"\n";
cout<<"*p= "<<*p<<"\n";
- Arrays and pointers
- array variable without a bracket and a subscript represents the starting address of the array
list+0 | list+1 | list+2 | list+3 | list+4 | list+5 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
-> *(list+1) = 12
-> *list+2 = 14
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double a = 58.2, b = 123.4, c = 32.2;
double* D[3];
D[0] = &a;//*(D+0) =&a
*(D + 1) = &b;
*(D + 2) = &c;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//index expression with array name
cout << D[i] << " ";//print out memory contents of each elements of D, address of a,b,c
cout << *D[i] << " ";//print out valuse of a,b,c with dereferencing of D, valuse of a,b,c
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//pointer expression with array name
cout << *(D+i) <<" ";//print out memory contents of each elements of D, address of a,b,c
cout << **(D+i) << " ";//print out valuse of a,b,c with dereferencing of D, valuse of a,b,c
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;
-> swap pass by value, swap pass by reference, swap pass by pointer
- array parameter or pointer parameter
void m(int list[], int size) | = | void m(int* list, int size) |
void m(char c_string[]) | = | void m(char* c_string) |
-> A[1] =*(A+1)
-> A[0] =*A
-> A[2] =*(A+2)
Pointer variable pointing an array element
int array[10];
int* p=&arrays[5]; //arrays+5
- int array
- int A[5];
- type A : int*
- type A[2] : int
- int* B[5];
- type B[2] : int*
- type B : int **
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//1. index expression with array name
//2. pointer expression with array name, fill in with i*i
//3. pointer expression with pointer, fill in with i*i*i
//4. index expression with pointer, fill in with i*i*i*i
int A[10] = { -999 }; //A[0]is -999, rest of elemnets are 0 not garbage
int* p = A;//&A[0]
cout << "1. index expression with array name" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
A[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << A[i] << " "<<endl;
} //fill in part
cout << "2. pointer expression with array name, fill in with i*i" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
*(A + i) = i * i;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << *(A+i) << " "<<endl;
cout << "3. pointer expression with pointer, fill in with i*i*i" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
*(p + i) = i * i*i;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << *(p+i)<< " "<<endl;
cout << "4. index expression with pointer, fill in with i*i*i*i" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
p[i] = i * i*i*i;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout <<p[i] << " "<<endl;
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main_()
int a = 123;
int* ip = &a;
cout << "address of a : " << &a << endl;
cout << "ip : " << ip << endl; //value of ip
cout << "address of ip: " << &ip << endl; //8byte?
cout << "ip + 1 : " << ip + 1 << endl;//bigger than ip by 1 *4
cout << "ip + 4 : " << ip + 4 << endl;//bigger than ip by 4*4
char c = 'p';
char* cp = &c;
cout << "address of c: " << &c << endl;
cout << "address of c: " << (void*)&c << endl;
cout << "cp " << &cp << endl; // \0가 없어서 가비지 void*
cout << "cp " << (void*)&cp << endl; // \0가 없어서 가비지 void*
cout << "address of cp: " << (void*)&cp << endl;
cout << "address of cp: " << &cp << endl;
cout << "cp + 1" << cp + 1 << endl; //Bigger than cp by 1*1
cout << "cp + 1" << cp + 4 << endl; //Bigger than cp by 4*1
cout << "cp + 1" << (void*)(cp + 1 )<< endl; //Bigger than cp by 1*1
cout << "cp + 1" << (void*)(cp+ 4) << endl; //Bigger than cp by 4*1
short s = 5;
short* sp = &s; //2바이트
cout << "address of s: " << &s << endl;
cout << "sp " << &sp << endl;
cout << "address of sp: " << &sp << endl;
cout << "sp + 1" << sp + 1 << endl; //Bigger than sp by 1*2
cout << "sp + 1" << sp + 4 << endl; //Bigger than sp by 4*2
return 0;
address of a : 0084FE80
ip : 0084FE80
address of ip: 0084FE74
ip + 1 : 0084FE84
ip + 4 : 0084FE90
address of c: p儆儆儆儆?
address of c: 0084FE6B
cp 0084FE5C
cp 0084FE5C
address of cp: 0084FE5C
address of cp: 0084FE5C
cp + 1儆儆儆儆?
cp + 1儆儆??
cp + 10084FE6C
cp + 10084FE6F
address of s: 0084FE50
sp 0084FE44
address of sp: 0084FE44
sp + 10084FE52
sp + 10084FE58
- Dynamic Memorry Allocation
- int* result = new int[6]
- delete [] result
- int* p = new int;
- delete p;
- Static vs Dynamic memory allocation
int A[100];
A[99] =5000;
int* B;
int n;
B = new int[n];
B[89] =50; //*(B+89)= 50;
-> Static : Compile time; Stack memeory
-> Dynamic : Run time; Heap memory
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main_()
int size;
cout << "How many numbers do you want to enter?";
cin >> size;
int* ip = new int[size]; //Dynamic memory allocation
cout << "Enter numbers";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //Use of the memory
cin >> *(ip + 1); //same expression : cin >>ip[i]
//print out sum and average
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum += *(ip + 1);
double Average = (double)sum / size;
cout << "Sum=" << sum << " " << " Average :="<< Average << endl;
delete[]ip; ip = NULL; //relase the memory
return 0; //this func is all of use relase
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int* func(int num); //prototype of function, pass by value
int main()
int size;
cout << "How many numbers do you want to enter?";
cin >> size;
int* ip = func(size); //Memory allocation is done in func()
cout << "Enter numbers";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //Use of the memory
cin >> *(ip + 1); //same expression : cin >>ip[i]
//print out sum and average
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum += *(ip + 1);
double Average = (double)sum / size;
cout << "Sum=" << sum << " " << " Average :=" << Average << endl;
cout << "before delete ip: " << ip << endl;
cout << "before delete *ip : " << *ip << endl;
delete[]ip; ip = NULL; //relase the memory
cout << "after delete ip: " << ip << endl;
cout << "after delete *ip : " << *ip << endl; //찾을수없다
return 0;
int* func(int num)
int* ret;
ret = new int[num];
return ret;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char ReverseString(const char* src, int len)
char* reverse = new char[len + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
reverse[i] = src[len - i - 1];
reverse[len] = NULL;
return reverse;
int main()
char original[] = "NEMODORI";
char* copy = ReverseString(original, 8);
cout << original << "\n";
cout << copy << "\n";
delete[] copy;
copy = NULL;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char* ShiftRightString(const char* src, int len)
char* ShiftRight = new char[len + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
ShiftRight[i] = src[i + 1];
ShiftRight[len - 1] = src[0];
ShiftRight[len] = NULL;
return ShiftRight;
int main()
char original[] = "NEMODORI";
char* copy = ShiftRightString(original, 8);
char* copy2 = ShiftRightString(copy, 8);
char* copy3 = ShiftRightString(copy2, 8);
char* copy4 = ShiftRightString(copy3, 8);
char* copy5 = ShiftRightString(copy4, 8);
char* copy6 = ShiftRightString(copy5, 8);
char* copy7 = ShiftRightString(copy6, 8);
char* copy8 = ShiftRightString(copy7, 8);
cout << original << endl;
cout << copy << endl;
cout << copy2 << endl;
cout << copy3 << endl;
cout << copy4 << endl;
cout << copy5<< endl;
cout << copy6 << endl;
cout << copy7 << endl;
cout << copy8 << endl;
copy = NULL;
copy2 = NULL;
copy3 = NULL;
copy4 = NULL;
copy5 = NULL;
copy6 = NULL;
copy7 = NULL;
copy8 = NULL;
return 0;
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